Paper Session 17
Market Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
- 16:00 - 17:30
- P8
- Prof. Jorge Sousa
Residential Users as Flexibility Providers: a Techno-Economic Analysis
1Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano; 2Energy System Development department, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE S.p.A)
Urban Energy Transition and Heating of Apartment Buildings
1Helen Electricity Network Ltd, Finland; 2Tampere University, Finland
Local flexibility needs estimation based on distribution grid segmentation
1Inesctec, Portugal; 2Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, FEUP
Combining high shares of renewable energy with nuclear power generation on the Belgian energy system
Ghent University, Belgium
Renewable energy generation, electric vehicles, storage technologies, and hydrogen for mobility – contribution to the 2030 Portuguese energy and climate targets
ISEL – Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro 1, Lisboa, Portugal
Opportunities for DERs in Ancillary Services Markets: analysis and bidding strategies in a national framework
Politecnico di Milano, Italy