Paper Session 21

Balancing Markets

  • 09:00 - 10:30
  • P14
  • Dr. Gerard Doorman

Interconnection of Norway to European Balancing Platforms Using Hierarchical Balancing

Anthony Papavasiliou1,2, Gerard Doorman3, Mette Björndal4, Pierre Crucifix2, Yves Langer2,5, Guillaume Leclercq2

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece; 2N-SIDE, Belgium; 3Statnett SF; 4Department of Business and Management Science, NHH Norwegian School of Economics; 5SmartVision, Belgium

Technical solutions and business prospects for the participation of small PV systems in the balancing energy market

Christoph Kondzialka1, Manuela McCulloch1, Rouven Taubmann1, Jonas Dierenbach1, Dietmar Graeber1, Gerd Heilscher1, Kay Wiedemann2, Falko Ebe2

1Technische Hochschule Ulm, Germany; 2TransnetBW GmbH, Pariser Platz, Osloer Str. 15-17, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

An Overview of Market Design Considerations to Stimulate the Participation of VRE in Balancing Service Markets - with German Perspectives

Claire Maria Adriana Lambriex, Riley van Ryswyk, Albert Moser

Institute of High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Power Economics (IAEW), RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Balancing markets. Prerequisites to competitive RES trading. Analysis for Poland.

Wladyslaw Mielczarski1, Izabela Filipiak2

1Lodz University of Technology, Poland; 2Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute (IOŚ -PIB), Poland

LEMMAS: a secured and trusted Local Energy Market simulation system

Rui Andrade, João Vitorino, Sinan Wannous, Eva Maia, Isabel Praça

Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Analysis of the European day-ahead electricity market coupling mechanism: Discussion, modeling, and simulation

Ângelo Casaleiro1, Nuno Pinho da Silva1, Nuno Souza e Silva1, Ricardo Cartaxo1, Ricardo Pastor1, Wei Yang1, Bin Han2, Hui Cui2

1R&D Nester – Centro de Investigação em Energia REN – State Grid, S.A, Portugal; 2Beijing Key Laboratory of Research and System Evaluation of Power Dispatching Automation Technology, CEPRI, Beijing, China