Paper Session 24
Energy and Climate Policy
- 09:00 - 10:30
- Diplomska soba
- Dr. Peter Lopion
The impact of variable renewables’ heterogeneity on their market values in the Iberian wholesale electricity market
EnBW / RUB, Germany
Sensitivity analysis of resulting KPIs in cost- and emission-minimal energy supply scenarios of rural communities
Fraunhofer IOSB-AST, Germany
The impact of the gas-coal relative price on the CO2 marginal abatement effect of renewable electricity
Mines ParisTech, France
An assessment of the diffusion of Private Mini-Grids operating in rural Kenya
LUT (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology), Finland
The “Syste(M)arket” – Introduction of an Integrated and Modular Market Design for the Needs of the Future Energy System
Amprion GmbH, Germany