Paper Session 27
Operation, Modelling, Forecasting and Simulation of Energy Markets 2
- 09:00 - 10:30
- P8
- Prof. Joao Saraiva
Modelling Prices in Hydro Dominated Electricity Markets
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Grid Tariffs for Peak Demand Reduction: Is there a Price Signal Conflict with Electricity Spot Prices?
1NTNU Department of Electric Power Engineering, Norway; 2Statnett, Norway
Increasing Price Granularity in Electricity System Models
1Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; 2Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Electricity Price Forecasting for Norwegian Day-Ahead Market using Hybrid AI Methods
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
State of the Art Price Forward Curve Calculation for Power and Gas Markets
Gen-I d.o.o., Slovenia
Hybridization of CEVESA MIBEL market model based on market outcomes
1INESC TEC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Porto, Portugal; 2FEUP – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; 3Institute for Research in Technology, Technical School of Engineering, Comillas Pontifical University, c/ Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 26, 28015 Madrid, Spain