Paper Session 31
Energy Markets
- 16:00 - 17:30
- P14
- Prof. Jamshid Aghaei
Electricity trading in local sector-coupled energy communities
1Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany; 2Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Energy procurement strategy for retail customers utilizing standard momentum indicators
1Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana; 2Kolektor sETup d.o.o.
Discrete Events based Simulated Trading and Research System
1Tsinghua University, China, People’s Republic of; 2Beijing SmartChina Energy Tech. Co. Ltd.
Statistical analysis of two different intraday market designs: the German and Iberic intra-day market
1Univerisity of Pavia, Italy; 2SSE Department RSE s.p.a; 3University of Pavia; 4University of Ljubljana
Cross-border Trading Model for a Risk-averse VPP in the Continuous Intraday Electricity Market
KTH Royal institute of Technology, Sweden
The Influence on Day-Ahead Trading Volumes by Including Power Flow Equations in The Planning Algorithm for Short-Term Hydropower in Congested Areas
NTNU, Norway
Economic Implications of DSO-TSO Coordination Schemes at a System Level and for Market Actors in case of Flexibility or Traditional Grid-based Solution
TECNALIA, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA)