Paper Session 33

New Services in the Energy World

  • 16:00 - 17:30
  • P11
  • Prof. Margarita Matias Robaina

Indicators for assessing the need for flexibility in power systems: a systematic review and literature meta‐analysis

Rajon Bhuiyan1, Jan Weissflog2, Michael Schöpf1, Gilbert Fridgen1

1SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust; University of Luxembourg; 2Research Center Finance & Information Management, Branch Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT

Detection of consumers with electric heating devices and temperature normalization of their electric energy consumption

Teja Melink, Lev Prislan, Anja Ilič

GEN-I d.o.o., Slovenia

Electric Water heaters contributing to the primary frequency regulation markets—a Finnish case

Pekka Manner1, Samuli Honkapuro2

1Fortum Power and Heat Oy; 2LUT University

Assessment of the potential of local solar generation for providing ship shore power in the Norwegian harbour Port of Borg

Farhan Farrukh1, Martha Hoffmann2, Ciara Dunks3, Per Olav Dypvik4

1Smart Innovation Norway, Norway; 2Reiner Lemoine Stiftung; 3Reiner Lemoine Institut; 4Borg Havn IKS

Organizing the flexible energy market for bridging smart energy communities

Gregor Černe1, Matija Arh1, Laurynas Šikšnys2, Lukas Albert3, Kokos Isidoros4, Christos Patsonakis5, Charalampos Savvaidis5, Konstantinos Votis5

1INEA, Slovenia; 2FlexShape, Arendalsvej 12,Aarhus, Denmark; 3University Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Münzstraße 12, Würzburg, Germany; 4Intracom SA Telecom Solutions, Paiania 190 02, Athens, Greece; 5ITI-CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece

Design and validation of a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings

Ane Feijoo-Arostegui1,2, Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta1,3, Aitor Milo1, Haizea Gaztañaga1, Laura Oca2

1IKERLAN Technology Research Centre, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Spain; 2Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Electronic and Computer Science department; 3University of the Basque Country, Electrical Engineering Department