Prof. dr. ir. Laurens de Vries

Prof. dr. ir. Laurens de Vries is an expert on energy sector market design and regulation and on energy systems integration. He is Full Professor of Complex Energy Transitions and the coordinator of the Energy Systems Integration Program of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). He is currently involved in a range of projects on topics like electricity market design for an all-renewable system (TradeRES, H2020) and modeling and designing markets for new forms of flexibility (DEMOSES, Dutch Science Foundation). His participation in the Sustainable Energy Technology and Systems Program (2012-2020; Erasmus Mundus) resulted in the simulation of various capacity remuneration mechanisms and the CO2 European Emission Trade System with TU Delft’s EMLab model, an agent-based electricity market investment model. In the PROMOTioN Project (Horizon 2020), Prof. De Vries integrated technical and economic insights on the design of an electricity market for a meshed offshore grid in the North Sea. Prof. De Vries obtained his degree in mechanical engineering from TU Delft. He obtained a second Master Degree in Environmental Studies, with a focus on environmental economics from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington State, USA. In 2004, he received his doctorate degree from TU Delft on the topic of electricity generation adequacy.